They went to Lake Tahoe. Arie and Seinne drove a large red
truck to a medium red boat which they parasailed behind/above. Some of the other girls
watched them through binoculars. They noticed that trees look closer through
binoculars. Arie and Sienne had a picnic on the shore of Lake Tahoe. Maquel’s
grandpa died so she went home. Arie and Seinne talked at a restaurant. Then
they danced to a band called Lanco.
Many women went hiking with Arie. Most wore scarves. A
white-haired former Green Beret and his wife had them pee in canteens.
Arie pretended to drink some but it turned out to be apple juice. Then they ate
bugs. They broke into two groups and hiked with maps to a lake that had a cabin
and hot tub next to it. Krystal complained about some girls and some girls
complained about Krystal. Tia cried and got the date rose, in that order.
Arie and Bekah rode horses to a hot tub. They got in it and
touched each other. At night they had a boring conversation highlighted by Arie
admitting “I feel like I’ve just become a little more boring.” Then Bekah told
Arie she was 22. “Oh my God!” he said and covered his mouth. Arie expressed additional concern over her age before making out with her, reaching his hand through
her earring to clutch the back of her head.
There was no cocktail party. DeMarcus Cousins crested 100
DraftKings points in double overtime. Krystal interrupted the Rose Ceremony to
talk to Arie. He ousted Brittany and Caroline. Both cried.
Andie & Eric - 46 points
1. Tia - 9
2. Seinne - 7
3. Jacqueline - 5
6. Jenna - 6
7. Marikh - 6
+3 last team standing bonus
Big episode for Tia, who won a group date, cried, and further positioned herself to either win it or become next Bachelorette. She's now the overall points leader and has shown no weaknesses.
Kelly & Phil - 39 points
1. Chelsea - 7
2. Seinne - 7
3. Becca - 7
4. Kendall - 5
7. Ashley - 5
I gave Maquel +3 for "exiting the show prematurely on one's own accord." I'm not sure what the proper ruling should be. Docking her points seems mean-spirited. Should she get the +3?
Julia & Paul - 37 points
1. Krystal - 7
2. Bekah - 8
3. Jacqueline - 5
5. Lauren B - 5
6. Jenna - 6
7. Marikh - 6
With six players still alive, Julia & Paul could quickly rise to the top of the standings. But Krystal isn't inspiring confidence currently and Jacqueline isn't getting much screen time. This team could potentially head the other direction too.
Andrea & Zack - 37 points
1. Bekah - 8
3. Chelsea - 7
4. Lauren B - 5
7. Ashley - 5
Losing Caroline was a blow, but this is still a quality team. Lauren B showed signs of life while Bekah and Chelsea continue to cruise through mild drama.
Bri & Doug - 37 points
2. Becca - 7
7. Marikh - 6
Cataclysmic episode for Bri & Doug. They lost their first round draft pick as well as 2xBrittany. They're left with the boring Becca and a dreg. The hope is to avoid last place, and that hope looks bleak.
Melissa & Tom - 31 points
1. Krystal - 7
2. Tia - 9
5. Kendall - 5
7. Marikh - 6
This was actually an excellent episode for our team, but clearly we're out of the mix. We should avoid last place at least.
+3 for Maquel seems fair. What if she comes back?
ReplyDeleteI would have voted for no point bonus for Maquel, I wouldn't want her punished for leaving but doesn't really seem like she should get a bonus either.
ReplyDeleteTia is an early front runner to be the next bachelorette.
Chelsea seems to be flying under the radar and Arie was clearly worried about Bekah's age.
Seinne's date didn't overwhelm she's top 8.
And for the crush of the season, Caroline. First pick and already doing the walk of shame, brutal!
1. Caroline is the Anthony Bennet of the Bachelor draft.
ReplyDelete2. Arie's inevitable breakup line to Sienne: "You are amazing but other relationships have progressed faster." I am going to regret not doubling up on Tia with the 6th and 7th pick.
3. Bekah is like a slow motion crash but not really. She's clearly not ready to be married and she knows it. Arie knows it and he knows being with a 22 year old is ridiculous. But he just can't look away.
4. I'm biased on Maquel points but at first I thought +3 didn't seem correct but then I thought maybe it was. How closely have we stuck to this -3 and +3 points for leaving? If closely, then it makes sense to keep it. My buddy R. Steve says she might be coming back on the show, and if so we should probably drop the +3.
5. I didn't see Krystal as a villain after 1-2 episodes. But now it is so perfect and flawless. Arie started sensing it when she pulled him aside at the rose ceremony. She is unique among Bachelor villains and I'm looking forward to seeing more of this implosion.
6. This double draft is brilliant.
7. Other than kissing women and racing cars what does Arie like to do?
Power Rankings
T1. Andie/Eric
T1 Kelly/Phil
T3 Julia/Paul
T3 Melissa/Tom
T3. Andrea/Zack
It would appear that Bekah and the latest blog entry have all gone missing in the last 3 months. Just like two more of of the women on my team will go missing after next episode as I drop out of the top spot in the official power rankings.