Juan Pablo chose Clare for his first one-on-one date. They
had an absurdly wasteful date under manufactured snow. In LA. In the Summer or
Fall when they filmed this. Some
dude I’d never heard of was playing guitar. They went in the hot tub. They
kissed on the lips so our team got 3 points.
JP and Kat flew in a plane to Utah. Then they participated
in a rave/road race.
There was a big group date. Everybody except for Amy,
Danielle, Sharleen and the 1-on-1 daters went on it. It was a modeling shoot
with dogs. Andi freaked out about wearing nothing and Prince JP made her feel
better. JP gave Kelly the Dog Lover the rose to be nice because she had to wear
the worst outfit, and she likes dogs and the shoot was for dogs.
Victoria got drunk and melted down. I thought Brazilians
could handle their liquor. JP was cool as usual about it but asked her to leave
before the rose ceremony so the Greenbergs are totally screwed. Seems a little
unfair but the exact wording of our rules says “-8 POINTS: Getting kicked off the show for any reason other
than failing to receive a rose at the ceremony.”
Cassandra freaked out because she’s 21 and has a kid. JP was
comforting and understanding as always.
Amy and Chantel didn’t get roses at the ceremony.
Lucy got naked a lot.
MoonBee – 7 points
Clare – 6
Sharleen -.5
It’s a good thing Clare snagged that first kiss, because
losing a player this early is gonna be costly. The Greenbergs don’t want to
hear it.
Kelly & Phil – 6 points
Alli – 1.5
Nikki – 1.5
Kat – 3
Good team. Alli likes soccer. Nikki is hot and nice and
likes kids. And I think we underrated Kat going into the draft – I haven’t
spotted a chink in her armor yet.
The Dregs: 5 points
Kelly – 2.5
Danielle – 1
Lucy –1.5
I’m giving Kelly 1 point for receiving a rose during the
group date. Our rules say you get 2 points for “explicitly "winning"
a group date.” Kelly didn’t explicitly win anything. But I think anyone who
gets a rose during a group date should get a bonus point, and this is the
perfect time to institute the rule because I’m not anticipating anyone to argue
otherwise because Kelly is a Dreg. Maybe Bag will argue otherwise cause he
should be afraid of losing to the Dregs and having to pay charity.
Schwartzes: 4.5 points
Andi – 1.5
Chelsie – 1.5
Cassandra – 1.5
This is a really strong team. No one is in immediate danger
here. Andi is one of two or three girls on the show who showed up needing to be
wooed – and JP accomplished that straightaway at the photo shoot. I think JP
prefers girls who don’t simply faint at the sight of him. Andi is legit. And JP
seems to dig that Cassandra has a kid. It adds faux depth to her plastic
A to Z – 3 points
Elise – 1.5
Lauren S – 1.5
I made fun of this team during and after the draft and I’m feeling validated. Elise and Lauren aren’t going anywhere while
Amy’s headed back to the Iron Bowl. The Dregs have more pop than this squad.
Greenbergs –
-4.5 points
Renee – 1.5
Christy –1.5
Victoria is going to be the anchor of the good ship Renee.
Months from now, when we won’t be able to pick Victoria out of a police lineup,
the Greenbergs will still be looking at that -7.5 next to her name lamenting what
might have been (and possibly suggesting a rule change). It was pretty
hilarious to see a team get saddled with the albatross of a NEGATIVE EIGHT just an
hour into the first episode after the draft. Greenbergs, just know that your
pain was everyone else’s pleasure.
Melissa had an amazing idea that would have been perfect for
this season: The bracket. With 16 girls we could have seeded them and filled
out brackets March Madness style. (1)Renee over (16)Lucy would have been as
obvious as Duke over Sam Houston St, but what would you do with (7)Sharleen vs
(10)Kat? Huge missed opportunity here – my fault, cause she actually
suggested it before the draft and I had no idea what she meant. Next year.
Great analysis!
ReplyDeleteI was rooting so hard for Victoria to quit and then Cassandra starting talking about quitting. What the...? She's still a risk but I liked the fact that the previews showed her kissing Juan.
Love the March Madness idea! I accidentally recorded the "Behind the Scenes" instead of the actual episode, so I missed our Titanic-like moment this season. Which means I have yet to watch a full episode of the Bachelor... is it really that surprising that we're in last place?
ReplyDeleteYou can watch every episode on abc.com. Eric points out that with 15 contestants left we could still do a bracket, with the 1 seed getting a bye.
ReplyDeleteThe only full episodes I've ever seen of Bachelor have been in a bedroom and/or sharing a bed with Bag and I intend to keep it that way.
ReplyDeleteIn other news, I am incredibly intimidated by Phil after noticing his Facebook comments on pictures of women's shows.
Did Victoria volunteer to leave or was she asked to leave against her will?
That should read "pictures of women's SHOES".
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't matter points wise because quitting (kicking yourself off) is just as bad, or maybe worse, than being forced out but just curious how it went down.
ReplyDeleteJP asked her to leave and she didn't protest.