The 2 night bachelor event starts right now. I’m very excited because it is the much anticipated one where he finally jumps over the fence.
Colton and Chris has another awkward convo about the fantasy suites.”Every single thing that happens in the next week really could change our lives forever” Cassie realizes. - Only if he doesn’t wear protection, I think to myself. Can you imagine if he gave it up in the fantasy suite and then DIDN’T choose that girl?! Talk about mixed signals!
They head to Portugal to do the nasty.
Tayshia gets the first swing at things. They do a helicopter tour of Algarve but they miss half of it because they’re making out. They came up for air long enough to make a pretty good joke about exporting Extra VIRGIN olive oil. Which segued into lots of other jokes about his virginity while they sipped champagne on a cliff. Dinner is some playful foreplay about Tayshia’s boobs popping out of her dress. And then they go to the much anticipated fantasy suite. The nerves are palpable.
The next morning he has a large smile on his face and they refer to sex as a “conversation”. Which, I guess if you’re being poetic about it it kinda is. But that’s kinda deep for the Bachelor. Then Tayshia spills the beans that they didn’t have sex and were indeed talking about an actual conversation.
Cassie is up for strike two. He picks her up in a “super cute” convertible. It makes me nervous when people kiss and drive. Some old Portuguese dude slays the upright bass on the bridge and they kiss again. Colton is saying some pretty serious words about his intentions for Cassie to the camera’s which of course leads me to the hypothesis that something about Cassie makes him jump over the fence. Cassie is thrown (a little too) off kilter by her dad not giving his blessing. It’s an antiquated tradition anyway. But, true to Bachelor fashion, Cassie’s dad shows up to officially win dad of the year. When asked if she loved Colton she gave a very luke warm, “I think I do… yeah.” Having her daddy there makes Cassie’s age more apparent. Also remarkable is her ability to have an honest conversation with her father.
At dinner Colton is ready to pounce and Cassie is ready to bounce. He declares that she is “the one” which immediately makes me think back to the Kimmel prediction episode and how heartbreaking that must have been for him. She can’t look at him and Colton knows it’s bad. If I were in her shoes I would try to get to the fantasy suite to have some real honest conversation without cameras. But that’s not very dramatic now is it? Colton is very good at talking her off the cliff and essentially promises her the win. Except part of the problem is she isn’t sure if she wants to win. “Staying here is making the wrong decision for me” Cassie finally says. I think she’ll hate herself for this later. Colton is immediately put on suicide watch. He shoves the camera and jumps over the fence in a very athletic fashion while very eerie music plays. Chris asks if there is a button that opens the gate. There is. Chris is a good detective but not good enough to find him in the dark of night.
Regardless, I feel like it would be a bit disingenuous to now ask another woman to marry him after all that way said to Cassie. So, maybe that’s the “never before seen ending”
I fast-forwarded through most of women tell all, because I don’t have time of that drama. The best part was Colton eating ice cream in the shower.
Here’s the points as far as I can tell: Triple digits, Paulia!! Nice work!
The least desirable episodes to watch are this one and the first 65% of the final episode but this one was excellent (women tell all is also low on my list). But this episode was fantastic!
ReplyDeleteThe clip where he picks out the ring with Neil Lane is the most unwatchable part of every season.
Cassie is is a 17 year old Siren in a 23 year old body. As far as I can tell she is good hearted but she is still tethered to her father. Was her original plan to become the next Bachelorette?
How often does the Bachelor/Bachelorette tell the camera that X is the one before the final episode but it never airs for obvious reasons?
Remember all the previews where he jumped the fence and they showed women screaming? Those looked as ludicrous as the cop car previews they show every other season.
Do we really need to see Oneyka running her big mouth anymore?
This show has a lot of attention seeking cast members. Does Survivor intentionally avoid these personalities or do the harsh conditions of the show mute those people?
1. Wow
ReplyDelete2. [in a Chris Harrison voice] "The most incredible, dramatic episode in Bachelor history."
3. Except it actually was.
4. That was so epic I'm gonna have to break this down Eric Schwartz numbered-point style (strange he didn't himself).
5. I really do think that was the best episode I've seen.
6. How are there not 12 comments on this blog already?
7. I've never seen a Bachelor(ette) lay it out on the line like that. Epic vulnerability from Colton - because he really did firmly believe Cassie was The One.
8. Why he believe(d/s) this I have no clue. Cassie is hot, but they all are at this point. They've never shown her utter anything meaningful or interesting.
9. Colton is the best Bachelor(ette) I've seen. I've called him a bullshit artist - and he was with the small timers - but when push came to shove he put it all out there with a desperation we've never seen from the lead dog. Dunno how this shakes out but would love to see him get another crack at it.
10. It doesn't seem like Tayshia or Hannah G. can win after what went down. Seems like Cassie is the only possible "winner" despite being off the show. As Melissa noted, this may actually be a "never before seen ending."
11. Having said that, the closest instance to this I've watched was the Desiree season where she liked Brooks best and had to settle for Chris...and they're actually still married and just had their second kid.
12. My guess is Colton takes it to the next level, abandons Tayshia & Hannah, goes and finds Cassie & convinces her to give it a go.
13. Props to Colton & Cassie for exposing the absurd premise of the show - spending a few weeks (95% non-private) with someone and then getting engaged. I wonder how much Colton said about that absurdity that wasn't shown. He obviously wanted to scream "LOOK - YOU DON'T NEED TO FIELD A MARRIAGE PROPOSAL HERE. JUST PLEASE GO OUT WITH ME WITHOUT A MILLION CAMERAS BUZZING AROUND."
14. The concerning thing is Colton expressed she didn't need to be ready to get engaged but she still left.
15. It makes no sense to not at least go to the fantasy suite and spend some authentic time with the guy - even if you're 99% sure he's not The One.
16. How rich are you if you can just fly to Portugal to give dating advice to your daughter?
17. Cassie's dad is a first-ballot Hall of Fame Bachelor dad. Unforgettable performance.
18. Stunning athleticism to get over that fence so effortlessly. It was so seamless, so instantaneous. I've jumped a lot of fences. It's not easy to jump a fence like that. Just ask Chris Harrison. It was like an ice skater getting up from a fall - it happened too fast to fully appreciate.
19. Like most virgin guys, Colton erroneously believe(d/s) he will be good at sex the first time.
20. I'm legitimately excited for the two-night season finale.
1. You know it's a great episode when Moon is enthralled.
ReplyDelete2. The rawness of this episode was fantastic. Cassies facial expressions are entertaining as emotions run through her head.
3. That's a really long flight from San Diego to Portugal. If her Dad said Colton was great she wouldn't have considered leaving.
Cassie doesn't even really want to go out with him IMO. She's already made up her mind and is creating excuses for him as to why he should move on, yet he keeps shutting them down and calling her bluff. Even if they do try to date, they don't make it long term.