Chiang Mai, Thailand is the most romantic place Becca has ever been. On the couch eating pizza with Tom is the most romantic place I have been. We're basically living the same life, her and I.
Becca goes through role call:
Garrett blows her away. She is in love with him but wonders if he can last a life time.
Jason and her have an “off the charts” connection and she is falling in love with him too.
Blake makes her feel 100% herself. She sees the future with him and can’t imagine life without him. She is obviously in love with him. I smell a winner...
Blake gets the first date. They go hiking on a sacred hike where they can’t kiss or touch. It takes them awhile to get going for that reason. They gotta get all the smooches out. “There is something so old and cultural about interacting with a monk” Becca remarks. This makes Tom chuckle. They get marriage advice from a monk and they ring the love bell while noticeably trying to not touch each other. They hustle back to the entrance threshold where they won’t be smited by whatever prude spirits inhabit that Thai hiking trail.
They eat dinner in a thunderstorm and bare their souls. Tom is smitten with Blake after his love speech. “This guy does some real talk” Tom says. Becca, in her own way, reveals that she is in love with two men. Tom thinks Becca should set her requirements a little higher since she says she only requires that a man just needs to stick around. This doesn’t seem that tough.
The super nerves set in (Tom narrates) as they walk into the gigantic hotel room with the gigantic bed. We debate if Blake has something in his pocket or if…
They for sure did it. Which makes Blake scared to the point of tears the morning after (+1 pt). He's really got it bad.

Jason gets the next date and I announce that I want chocolate fudge ice cream. We don’t have any. They go to the Sunday Market to explore. There is no chocolate fudge ice-cream there either. Tom and my mouth start to water when we see the fried crickets that Jason and Becca eat- taking us back to the fried scorpions we ate in China. I am no longer thinking about chocolate fudge ice cream.
Becca makes a comment about the future to Jason and she immediately regrets it. “I just feel weird” Becca says. Tom suggests she examines what she ate at the market before she makes any rash decisions in her relationship with Jason. But she can’t shake the feeling.
Tom is not as impressed with Jason’s declaration of love speech over dinner. We brace ourselves for the end. Becca excuses herself to rehearse the let down. It doesn’t take long for Jason to realize his moments are numbered. He seems sad. ( I awarded 1 on 1 points and -3 for getting the premature boot).
Garrett is up for round 3 for a “very fun day” to “do what the locals do.” I was anticipating something touristy and silly but it was, in fact, an accurate statement. Presumably all of Thailand was on this river to celebrate their national holiday. It appears they handled it in stride as they bumper-car’ed their way down this lazy river. It couldn’t have been too bad since they decided as a couple that they are moving to Thailand. That night they wind up on couch cushions on the lawn to have their heart to heart conversation. Garrett finally tells her that he loves her and that he hopes she’s the last woman he gets to say that to. They get to spend the night in a tree house which makes me a little jealous.
The first shot of them the next morning is in bed. Becca might be naked. I can’t tell because our DVR recording is messed up from the weather we had last night. Garrett feels like he’s floating when he’s with her. That sounds trippy. The morning after interview with Becca reveals that in Garrett she see’s her hearts equal… “there’s something so special about him.” Phew - I do not envy Becca right now. Both of these guys seem legit.
Tom says he wants to see more jealousy and then Jason reappears! (I knew something fishy was going to happen - there’s still a good 20 min left!) As they talk he nearly sheds a tear. Tom thinks he might score points from the grave. He gives her an album of their love story (I presume). However, no official tears were shed so no points were awarded. Julia and Paul don’t need any more points anyway…
Chris Harrison greats the guys before the rose ceremony. It feels a little bit like a coach hyping the team up before the game except the dudes don’t know that Jason got the kibosh and they’re a shoo-in.
I awarded Garrett a point for tears during his post-rose interview since I could see wetness below his eyes.
The episode ended on a comical editing note of Blake needing to pee cut with panning to all the various fountains that surround them .Finally he is granted permission and he scampers into the trees. Unfortunately you-tube has disappointed me by not having this clip available.
Next week: The Men Tell All Show.
The Teams look like this:
As predicted in the beginning (and by our draft order) it is coming down to Garrett and Blake. Julia and Paul are done scoring points but they are no doubt the winners (not forgetting their +3 pt bonus for last team standing). 9 points are predicted for the first place finisher and 6 points are predicted for the second place making it a tight race between Bri and Doug and Kelly and Phil for the coveted second place finish. Good luck, you guys!